Saturday, August 6, 2016

History of Culure

History of Culture

Image result for cultureSome people think of culture in the singular, in the way that it was thought of in Europe during the 18th and early 19th centuries: as something achieved through evolution and progress. This concept of culture reflected inequalities within European societies and their colonies around the world; in short, it equates culture with civilization and contrasts both with nature or non-civilization. According to this understanding of culture, some countries are more "civilized" than others, and some people are therefore more "cultured" than others.

When people talk about culture in the sense of civilization or refinement, they are really talking about "high culture," which is different from the sociological concept of culture. High culture refers to elite goods and activities, such as cuisine, high fashion or couture, museum-caliber art, and classical music. In common parlance, people may refer to others as being "cultured" if they know about and take part in these activities.

This definition of culture only recognizes a single standard of refinement to which all groups are held accountable. Thus, people who differ from those who believe themselves to be "cultured" in this sense are not usually understood as having a different culture; they are understood as being uncultured.

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Be sure to discover many of  the unique Malaysian Cultures, exploring different food, clothing, tradition ! It would be great if you could discover the many aspects of our Culture.

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